A better tweetdeck
A better tweetdeck


For example, you can create a search column with the keyword "San Francisco :)" to see Tweets regarding San Francisco in a positive manner. It's easy to uncover sentiment surrounding a topic simply search for a topic followed by a happy or sad emoticon. If you select one of the suggested search terms, you will be given the option to browse users related to that search topic or Tweets related to that search term. Different search topics will be shown on the top half of the drop-down menu, whereas user accounts will be shown on the bottom half. When you begin to type characters into the search box, TweetDeck will run a real-time search that attempts to autocomplete your search term, surfacing potentially relevant search topics and accounts.

  • Click the share icon, then choose between: Embed collection, View on, or Tweet about this collection.
  • Click the filter icon at the top of your collection to access the column’s options menu.
  • To remove a Tweet, simply click on the X icon on a Tweet within in a collection.
  • You can also copy a Tweet from one collection to another by holding down the drag icon and moving the desired Tweet to another collection column.
  • To reorder Tweets in your collection, click the drag icon and move the selected Tweet up or down in your collection.
  • Newly added Tweets will appear at the top of the collection column.
  • Click the checkbox next to the collection(s) you’d like to add the Tweet to, then click Done.
  • You can also hover your cursor over your selected Tweets, then click the drag icon to add Tweets to your collection.
  • From the drop-down menu, select Add to collection.
  • Find a Tweet you would like to add to your collection and select the more icon.
  • To add or remove Tweets from your collection:


    To update your description, click the pencil icon to edit, then click Save. To update your title, simply click into the title field and edit. Tip: You can change the title and description of your collection at any time.

    a better tweetdeck

    Type in a title for your collection in the Name field, and add a Description (optional).

  • Click on the Account drop-down menu to choose which account you’d like the collection to belong to.
  • To start a new timeline select Create collection.
  • a better tweetdeck

    Select Collections from the menu options.You can also use the keyboard shortcut A, to add a new column to your dashboard.


    From the navigation bar, click on the plus icon to select Add column.Add your collections as columns, and Tweet the URL to share it with others. With collections, you can organize Tweets according to topics, events, interests, conversations, and more, all in real-time.

    A better tweetdeck